On Saturday, August the 4th, Gallery Lucid will be hosting the Surreal Summer Visions art show and there will be no access to the Lucia No.3 until Monday, August the 6th.
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We are being considered for a SXSW panel and public voting is in full swing. Please visit and "vote up" our proposed panel, we would really appreciate it. We proposed this panel as we believe Austin and the SXSW venue to be hubs for appreciating and exploring the crossroads of consciousness and technology.
The transition is complete and we are overflowing with thankfulness! Lucid Light of Austin has moved to our new office!!! It is MUCH more spacious, has more parking, a meditation/yoga/teaching room, and will soon be host to numerous gatherings of healers, philosophers, and artists in our community. We will be posting the works of art that will be featured in our gallery here and hope to create the ability to purchase these works online. Our New Address:
Lucid Light of Austin 2000 Oakglen Dr. Austin, TX 78745 To book an appointment to try the Lucia No.3 effortless meditation device, click here. What an amazing month!?! We have spent the month socializing, sharing the Lucia No.3, creating art, and we believe we may have found a new, larger, more accessible location for the Lucid Light Meditation Center and Art Studio. This lovely South Austin location will include a room for Lucid Light sessions and a meditation/yoga/art gallery room. If all progresses as expected, we hope this will become a space for local visionary artists to gather and create. Although many artists spent the month of December focused on selling art, ours was occupied with the manifestation of creative expression. This was expressed in numerous forms: cooking, writing, singing, poetry, painting, and digital art. The images below are a sampling of some of our favorite digital creations this month. Something else wonderful happened this month. We discovered more than one art printer who believes they can reproduce our images in a much larger format. If all goes well, we will move to the larger center and have some art produced in an appropriate size for the new studio/gallery!
Big change is in the air, use it to your (our) advantage. December has reinforced how desires for positive change can become manifest and how that power to create change is amplified with each new participant. "Be the change you wish to see" has seldom appeared so accessible to our culture. What change do you wish to see this year and how can we participate in your vision? When I first encountered the Lucid Light, I tried and tried to explain some of what I saw under the light, but felt as if my words were not doing the experience justice. I began doodling similar to the Zentangles mentioned in a previous blog post. In my first sessions with the Lucia No.3, the first patterns I noticed emerging were starbursts and rays of cuboidal images of blues, oranges, and reds, so that's where I started. Beginning by creating simple starburst patterns, rotating the starbursts and filling each in with more rays. I then tried platonic solids on rays, and repeated and extended the patterns that resulted. That led me to using sacred geometric designs and repeating their patterns in different arrangements, sizes, and opacities. I began trying to replicate what I was doing by using specialized software I found that would allow me to enter the number of points, recursion depth, ratios, angles, radius, opacity, color, repetition data, etc. What you see below are my favorites selected from hours and days of attempts. I've always created art for myself. I say I would like to sell my art, but seldom do and have found myself discouraging and blocking people from purchasing it. These were up in my office for a short while before a client decided they would look better in her yoga room. She continued to say she wanted them and I finally conceded. I think I'll print another set as they became welcome focal points for me when doing afternoon meditations and during hands-on healing work. I'm thrilled that people are enjoying the art I love to create.
These two, Michelle and Keith Norris, are so much fun and into anything that might improve health, wellness, well-being, comfort, longevity, and my favorite: consciousness.
We are pleased and honored to announce that Lucid Light of Austin will be showcased at this year's Voice and Exit, the Festival of the Future. If you're anywhere near Austin this weekend, you don't want to miss this! There will be an incredible lineup of speakers, thinkers, interactive technology, art, and people who "be" really well. There will be a special section this year called, "Tea and Trance" where we will share the effortless meditation available via the Lucia No.3 hypnagogic light while Robin Arnott of the international award-winning SoundSelf; a virtual reality game introduces people to technologies that will aid them in breathwork and reaching trance-like states.
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting with Comedian Shane Mauss. I was able to share the Lucia No.3 with him on the front end of his crazy 75 city tour; he has about 68 to go and expects to be on the road until February! Click on the second photo to find out tour dates. He's intelligent, funny, and talks candidly regarding psychedelics. You may have heard about him on The Joe Rogan Experience, Pete Holmes' You Made It Weird, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Bertcast among many . He is sponsored by The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). I was honored to spend as much time together as we did. This week he is in Pensacola FL, Birmingham AL, Atlanta GA, Savannah GA, then Charleston, Charlotte, and Raleigh NC.
We had a great time as we spent Friday and Saturday at the ACL Music Festival on Barton Springs Rd. in Austin, TX handing out promotional materials and talking with Festival goers from all over. As is often the case, very few could wrap their head around what the Lucid Light has to offer. It can be a challenge to explain what it does and how it might impact an individual and their community when we have an hour to speak with someone, let alone trying to get their attention with a 3-5 second pitch. As we would say something like, "We have a light that can open the 3rd eye", most passersby looked at us as if we were out of our minds. Not so many that we didn't hand out over 1000 "Effortless Meditation" wristbands, but enough to make me stop to question how we might make this more accessible to the average human being.. As ACL was wrapping up, we set up at Wiley Sea's after party on Saturday night. It was a lovely gathering of conscious people and music lovers who all seemed to get along flawlessly. Sunday was spent dancing with flow toys and connecting with our community as we listened to great live music pour from one of our favorite local bars: the SuareRut Kava Bar on Barton Springs Road.
We'll be at ACL again next week for more great music and people to meet. Look for your favorite pineal people as we set up on Barton Springs Rd., in Zilker Park, and at Wiley Sea's after party! We'd love to have a chat, share some cold water, and maybe a hug or two! This is from a Lucia No.3 Lucid Light session last year where our client graciously agreed to allow us to take a few photos or shoot some video to post on our site. During her 5 minute hypnagogic light expeience, I took 2 or 3 photos and this short video. She had been silent until I turned began to record her. This is what transpired. (I love that "wait-for-it" moment) As you can tell from the video, there is more to this than just blinking lights.
Lucid Light LLCWe hope to share our understandings, adventures, travels, and research with you regarding the Lucia N°03. Archives
February 2024