On Saturday, August the 4th, Gallery Lucid will be hosting the Surreal Summer Visions art show and there will be no access to the Lucia No.3 until Monday, August the 6th.
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I often hear people speak of looking beyond the veil or "seeing through the veil" between "worlds". This sensation is not uncommon and has been written about for millenia.
I have had this experience numerous times. For me, it is a sense as if my consciouisness acknowledges the presence of a reality just beyod that of my five individual senses. I have long believed and professed that the secrets and magic of the universe are hidden in the subtleties and perceptions within ourselves and of our universe. We are back from traveling with the Lucia No.3 hypnagogic light (again) and hope to be sharing some photos and videos from some of our most recent travels with the Lucid Light before we head off for the next adventure. Sorry about not having more blog posts along the way thus far, but we hope to remedy that situation soon. We went to some beautiful places and met amazing people, but had very few opportunities to access the internet. One of my daily meditation techniques is within art creation. I often geek out on friends and acquaintances about the art I create and I tend to throw around a number of terms. I know for some people, these terms are very familiar and you may even use them on a regular basis. For others I know, what I am about to share will be a number of new additions to the vocabulary. What's a fractal? One of my favorite fractal formulas to work with is the Mandelbrot set. The term Mandelbrot set is used to refer both to a general class of fractal sets and to a particular instance of such a set. In general, a Mandelbrot set marks the set of points in the complex plane such that the corresponding Julia set is connected and not computable. "The" Mandelbrot set is the set obtained from the quadratic recurrence equation where points in the complex plane for which the orbit of does not tend to infinity are in the set. Setting equal to any point in the set that is not a periodic point gives the same result. The Mandelbrot set was originally called a molecule by Mandelbrot. J. Hubbard and A. Douady proved that the Mandelbrot set is a connected set. I know it's starting to sound a bit nerdy, but the next frame shows the beauty someone armed with a little nerdiness can create. The fractal above was created in an attempt to express the energetic experience of working with a Kundalini master and then using the Lucia No.3 in an attempt to integrate what transpired. This fractal piece was created using 3 separate fractal programs and editing, tweaking, and overlapping the images in Photoshop.
If you are heading out to Burning Man, look for the Lucia No.3(s) on the Playa. I will try to share when I receive reports back from Allison and Zack with The Traveling Light. I expect to hear back of great adventure, connection, and inspiration. What an amazing month!?! We have spent the month socializing, sharing the Lucia No.3, creating art, and we believe we may have found a new, larger, more accessible location for the Lucid Light Meditation Center and Art Studio. This lovely South Austin location will include a room for Lucid Light sessions and a meditation/yoga/art gallery room. If all progresses as expected, we hope this will become a space for local visionary artists to gather and create. Although many artists spent the month of December focused on selling art, ours was occupied with the manifestation of creative expression. This was expressed in numerous forms: cooking, writing, singing, poetry, painting, and digital art. The images below are a sampling of some of our favorite digital creations this month. Something else wonderful happened this month. We discovered more than one art printer who believes they can reproduce our images in a much larger format. If all goes well, we will move to the larger center and have some art produced in an appropriate size for the new studio/gallery!
Big change is in the air, use it to your (our) advantage. December has reinforced how desires for positive change can become manifest and how that power to create change is amplified with each new participant. "Be the change you wish to see" has seldom appeared so accessible to our culture. What change do you wish to see this year and how can we participate in your vision? Our meditation during this season in which we celebrate family and thankfulness is one of peace, health, comfort, forgiveness, thankfulness, and fortitude. We are thankful they are, not only present, but abundant in our lives. Our meditations of positive manifestation are not focused on ourselves, but on the water protectors of Standing Rock. May you feel the love of all humanity as you peacefully face those who vilify and attack you. May your integrity, passion, respect, courage, and honor change the collective heart of all mankind.
We are I. I like to use art as a meditation and have found that as I release self-criticism, my mind frees from it's normal constraints and is able to explore without my ego judging and corrupting the direction my being has chosen. As my ego's influence can be strong at times and my self-critical nature evident, I have found that focusing on my breath quiets my pesky monkey mind and tends to activate my inner flow state that is responsible for creating the art that was beyond my reach moments before. A practice of creating as flow, rather than creating for a goal results in greater mental clarity and sense of well-being that results in a physical imprint on our world. Creating art activates my flow space, focusing on my breath aids in directing, expanding, and clarifying the direction of artistic flow. That flow opens channels that allow for geometric expansion of artistic intellectual expression while moderating how often the self checks in to see if it is "acceptable".
Create freely and wildly. Allow for and expand on "mistakes" to find entirely new paradigms. Be empathetic with yourself through each evolution of your work. Allow yourself to be wrong, allow yourself to be right and ALWAYS breathe. Sometimes an elephant is just an elephant. Often the magic wonder, and beauty that exists becomes more evident when we are able to set aside our expectations and moderate the contextual sorting our mind is so fond of and proficient with. How aware are we in our daily life? How do our perceptions, perspectives, and interpretations of subtleties impact how we view the world around and within us? Sometimes an elephant is much more than an elephant.
If you've been waiting to try the Lucid Light, now is your chance!In honor of the International Day of Light being celebrated on 22 September 2017, we are forgoing the standard $75.00 fee, and are providing full length sessions with the Lucia No.3 for love offerings (donations) on this special day. We want to provide an opportunity for anyone who wishes to try this amazing new technology to be able to do so, no matter where they may be along the socio-economic continuum. On Sept 22nd; we, and light attendants around the world, will be sharing a special program created by the brilliant people in Austria behind this technology and collecting your responses and insights. Our desire is to introduce our entire community to meditation in an effortless, entertaining, and visually spectacular manner that will help each quickly see the value in, and have a desire to add comfort, ease, and clarity to their lives through meditation. We believe it is easier to find your way somewhere if you have been there before and this light brings your brainwave states to levels unachievable to most without years of meditation. The Lucid Light provides a hypnagogic light experience while stimulating the pineal gland (opening the 3rd eye), thereby stimulating/releasing neurotransmitters and hormones associated with the deepest levels of meditation. Take advantage of this opportunity to experience effortless meditation and a peek into the vast beauty within. Book online or by calling/texting us at (512) 969-7417 or email us at [email protected] .
![]() Sorry for the late notification, we recently received verification that we would be participating in "Ritual" tonight. We are taking our traveling light and heading to the KIVA Lounge & Bar in San Marcos, Texas tonight! I might even bring some of my consciousness expanding psychedelic art to share with my fellow artists and Ritual goers. Ritual is a monthly live art and music event held in beautiful San Marcos for the purpose of sharing, generating, and celebrating culture. Please come join us in the frequencies and rhythms of the evening and show support for your local artists, music producers, and craft makers in the last big Ritual event before the intensity of the new semester takes hold. This month's Ritual gathering is filled with an amazing collection of music, visual arts, craft makers, and art lovers and creators of many walks. We have been asked to bring the Lucia no.3 Lucid Light and are excited to showcase it at Kiva tonight. As the organizers say, It'll "give you a tasty gulp of the local awesomeness of Central Texas!" If you are in the San Marcos Area tonight, stop in! A quick clip from their invite: "We strive to bring you local dance music and jamtronica acts to keep your body grooving and allow for an intimate space for producers and dis to connect with the audience. We are known for our large dance party. Everybody moves at Ritual. That's just how we do!" Come ready to participate, learn, dance and connect with your fellow humans... How Do You RITUAL? ___________________________________________________ ~ Stage Lineup~ Sanjiwan (Austin, TX) 12:30 Gobi 11 TBA 10 Movie Screening - TBA ~Visual Artists~ Hannah Carlock - cosmicnomadbodyart.com - Body Painting Hayley Garcia - www.facebook.com/thegsknees Kelsey Huckaby - www.facebook.com/KelseyHuckabyArt/?fref=ts Erik Kuykendall - www.facebook.com/dontcontactmehere1984 |
Lucid Light LLCWe hope to share our understandings, adventures, travels, and research with you regarding the Lucia N°03. Archives
February 2024