Meditation can be one of the most potent methods of service to one's self, community, the earth, and humanity. Intensified emotions and actions have long been associated with full moons. We've noticed that our meditations during full moons often appear to have an amplified impact, as well. The magnifying effects of full moons have been written of throughout history, marking auspicious occasions; in folklore, mythology, spiritual celebrations, and harvests.
Full Buck Moon
July is the month of the Full Buck Moon, as bucks begin to grow new antlers around this time of year. The most recent full moon is also known as the Thunder Moon because thunderstorms are so frequent during the month of July. It's also called the hay moon because it signals to farmers it is time to harvest the hay before the rains come.
Full moons have been associated with insomnia throughout time. Research shows that the pineal gland does more than regulate sleep cycles. Many believe that the iridescence of the moon is a powerful light source that not only suspends sleep, but can stimulate inspiration and divine connection. Artists, shamans, healers, and seeker all look to the moon for light, externally and internally.
What is a Full Moon?
"A full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the moon is completely illuminated, when viewed from Earth. This is when the Moon is opposite the Earth from the Sun. This means that the (ecliptic) longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees; the Moon is in opposition with the Sun. Lunar months, synodic months, average about 29.5 days."
Samantha is of Native American descent and has always felt a special connection with the moon. We find that, not only, our planting cycles follow the moon, but our ritual cycles. When the moon is high and bright in the sky, you can find our entire family enjoying this special luminous, illuminating time. We enjoy smudging each other, incense rituals, planting, watering, and grooming our green friends, spending time meditating in the moonlight, and watching Tesla twirl in the moonlight. Oh, but to see through a two year old's eyes on a full moon! Watching her be allowed and encouraged to appreciate the fullness of the moon, her decreased desire to sleep, and her increased desire to create excites me to no end.
We've attempted to allow her to follow her body's natural circadian rhythms since birth, including full moon inspirational
“but the fully-lighted orb of the moon indicates a free and unimpeded alignment between our planet and the sun, the solar center, the energy source for all life on Earth. At such times we can make a definite approach to God, the Creator, the center of life and intelligence.” ~Alice A. Bailey
Five Day Moon Cycles
As you might have recognized, the impacts of the full moon are usually considered to strongly impact five days. The two days preceding, the day of the full moon, and the two days following each full moon.
One line of thought is that the two days prior to the full moon, one should look to release the ego and remove thoughts of one's own issues/problems, whether they impact the mind, body or spirit.
The day of the full moon is a day for connecting the external to the internal and the internal to the external. Turning within can have a very powerful outward result.
The two days following the full moon are days of action and activity. These are days upon which creative ideas abound in the face of virtually all challenges.