On top of all of the business insights and interactions; when I arrived, Sigrid treated me to an amazing vegetarian bed and breakfast experience and made me feel as if I was a family member visiting after a long journey.
Her tours in the next days took me through villages I'd only read about, into a chapel that is older than the United States.

Sigrid is a huge fan of nature and being outdoors and treated me to a hike up a mountain and back down on a sled. At the bottom of the mountain, I met Monika and Lorenz who welcomed me into their home like old friends and shared the warmth of their aesthetically amazing space and tasty traditional Austrian treats with me. The view from their home is one of the most lovely I've ever experienced.

As Engelbert approached, it became obvious that he was ill and it was an effort for him to be upright; he contracted the flu prior to my arrival. I was honored that he endured the obvious discomfort of his physiology to take the time and effort to be such a great host. He is well-read, intelligent, thinks out of the box, and his understandings regarding the study consciousness are intriguing and exciting. He, too, has a way of putting people at ease, even while discussing topics that might challenge them. I can see why he chose psychology as his career. He is also an artist and provided me with the great honor of touring his workshop/studio and allowing me to view some of his artwork, too.
The way their ideas and energies swirl and dance together is an entertaining and informative experience. Although both are very familiar and adept operating within the contextual boxes our cultures impose, neither appear bound by such restrictions. Each is eager to challenge his understandings of science, humanity, and "reality" as they explore consciousness as it unfolds before them. This makes for discussions that can expand beyond expectations and the normal ego limitations placed on most conversations. This is not to say egos were removed, but they were in check in such a way as to allow the conversation an animated life of it's own.

Dirk and Sigrid were kind enough (and cold enough) to take me on a hike around this lake as the sun was setting, then off to a fun conversation and a meal in Kufstein.

I had the opportunity to spend time in the next days touring some spots by myself. I stumbled across this fantastic graffiti in a tunnel in Innsbruck.
Unfortunately, I didn't discover the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art until the morning I was leaving. It will be one of my first stops upon my return.

My wanderings led me to all sorts of wonderful little places and gave me time to relax and do some reading. No trip to Austria to visit consciousness pioneers would be complete without a bit of brain candy reading. Anthony Peake was a perfect pick for my trip.
| As the snowy landscape slid by, I found it more and more challenging to leave. There is so much more to see, so much more to learn, and I feel I found some long sought after people of my heart tribe. I recommend anyone interested in the Lucia No.3 and new understandings in consciousness, or in the beauty and wonder of the scenery and it's people to visit this amazing land. |