I have had this experience numerous times. For me, it is a sense as if my consciouisness acknowledges the presence of a reality just beyod that of my five individual senses. I have long believed and professed that the secrets and magic of the universe are hidden in the subtleties and perceptions within ourselves and of our universe.
What are you certain of? What do you see and know? Do you believe what you feel? Do you believe the whispers of your heart and mind? Are the whispers of your heart and mind you or do they feel to be greater and wiser than the you being presented to the world you know?
What do we whisper to ourselves? What mantras have been inculcated into our self speak by our cultures and our complicity? Rule number one of marketing and advertising is, to "Create the need". What is one of the primary ways that our advertising culture creates need? Avertisers and marketers will do what they can to communicate the belief that you are insufficient without their product. Your breath stinks, you have zits, your armpits make sweat, you are fat, ugly, and don't have a car that communicates how desireable you are.
This is the perspective that we have embraced as consumers and we question those who do not embrace the self-deprication and self-vilification that helps to maintain the voracious appetite of the organizations consuming humanity and pooping them into piles to do battle.
We have the ability to see the beauty of ourselves and the world around us. Each of us can see the world differently in ways that can't be unseen. It is within me, you, and them. The key to how we see the world is not actually in the hands of them, but ourselves. The key to the way "They" (them) see the world is also not in the hands of them, but ourselves.
We speak of love and understanding. We know that to love someone else, we need to be able to love ourselves. Yet, somehow we speak to love without knowing how to love and command others to understand when we are incapable. How do I think we can change this? By changing it. Our reality is our reality as long as we, not only accept, but champion it. If you don't like your reality, it might be worthy of considering what you do to champion and defend it.
I believe that the love we have for ourselves can be amplified by the love we exhibit for others in the same way that I believe the love we exhibit for others is amplified by how we love ourselves. What is the love interchange between you and your communities? Are you building or preventing community in your current perspective?
Are you willing to view the world differently than you have before? Are you ready for the realities available to you with a slight shift in frequency?
Feel free to share your views.