We are Erik and Samantha, and we wish to welcome you to participate by sharing your opinions, ideas, and inspirations as we go. We are working on creating a bulletin board that we hope will increase intercommunication between those of us interested in many of the topics we will discuss on the blog.
What topics do we plan to explore?
We expect to venture through a wide range of topics including, but not limited to: meditation, the pineal gland, sacred geometry, nutrition, digital art, neuro art, the artist's mind, philosophy, breathwork, brain hacking, creating community, spirituality, our reality(ies), altered realities, psychology, improving communication and cooperation, and other nifty topics that you or we come up with.
Transcendental brainwave states
One topic we are obviously interested in is access to transcendental brainwave states via the Lucia N3 Lucid Light. People meditate for decades to experience moments of lucidity that transform their realities; providing glimpses into their true selves as they discover sense of wholeness, compassion, and connection. We believe this effortless meditation device provides dramatically increased ability to access these realms, effortlessly. You read that right. It’s an Effortless Meditation Device. This hypnagogic light appears to have the ability to synch brainwaves in such a manner as to allow you to float in the realm between sleep and wakefulness (the hypnagogic state).

It is based on techniques used by healers, shamans, monks, meditators, seekers and those who have stumbled across these long-understood principles regarding the impact of light on our meditations, psyches, bodies, sleep cycles, and our understandings of spirituality.
Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Dr. Engelbert Winkler (the developers) analyzed age-old active principles of shamanic traditions, including healing and mystery cults, and designed modern technology to create and optimize similar experiences. The Lucia No.3 is a combination of two different light foms. One is a low-intensity halogen light that provides a warm, gentle, steady light like you might experience in sun bathing and sun gazing. It also has 8 high speed stroboscopic LEDs that replicate flicker frequencies similar to those in nature: candlelight, firelight, sunlight on waves, light through leaves on trees, etc. When the two light forms are combined, they appear to possess a remarkable ability to aid a person in transitioning from a sympathetic nervous response (fight or flight) to a more parasympathetic nervous response (rest and digest). In other words, it can aid in transitioning from a stress response to a more relaxed, meditative brain-wave state. The light frequencies emitted create a hypnagogic light experience which is visually dynamic and relaxing.
How do I prepare to make the most of my experience?
Get plenty of rest and hydrate well the days/night before your experience. If you like to meditate, but are out of practice, we recommend taking 10-15 minutes to clear, breathe, and reconnect. It will provide you a more relaxed starting place. If there is specific music you wish to listen to while light traveling, please set it aside ahead of time, if possible. We also provide music and can access most music through the internet. Most clients tend to appreciate music without lyrics so as not to distract the mind from it's internal exploration. We ask people to bring water with them as they will usually want to drink part of it on the way in and afterwards as well. The more comfortable and cared for the body, the more space there is for inner exploration. When you arrive, we will help you take a few moments to ground, breathe, and connect. Consider the questions you have about the world around you, the world within you, and directions you wish to explore in life. You can draw from those considerations when setting intentions for your light travel.
Why set intentions?
We believe that setting intentions for growth, healing, insight, etc. can have dramatic impacts in people's lives and that manifesting in this reality is a real possibility. We have no scientific proof that we offer up and rely on personal (anectdotal) experiences. We are not trying to convince anyone that manifesting is "real," but we leave open the potentiality that we may be on to something. :)

As with most services these days, it begins with paperwork (only about a page and a half). Your attendant will ask questions to get an idea of who you are and what you might wish to gain from your experience. The light attendant will answer questions about the technology and what you might expect before, during, and after a Lucid Light Experience. He or she will assist you with preparing for the experience with some grounding techniques and may guide you through some relaxation breathwork prior to your journey.
As a light traveler, you lie down or sit in a chair, put on headphones with your selected music, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and relax as an incredible internal visual display unfolds before you. There is nothing more you need to do to bring on the experience.
The most challenging parts for many are quieting the analytic internal dialog, releasing expectations & control, and being "the observer". These are often difficult to do as most of us want to research new technologies before we try them, especially those which are reported to have a neurologic impact. It is difficult not to establish some sort of expectation regarding the Lucid Light, but it is beneficial to attempt to be an observer rather than attempt to analyze what's occurring while you are experiencing the light.
Many have expressed their surprise at the vastness they recognize within themselves as they bathe in the light of the Lucia No.3.
Is having prior experience with meditation important?
Oddly, the answer is an emphatic, “No.” We have shared the Lucid Light with more than 500 people and have found no correlation between a person’s experience with mediation to their ability to fully experience this amazing technology. Interestingly, those who come in without a good deal of meditation experience appear to experience fewer challenges releasing what they expect from the session.
What is so special about the Lucia No.3 Lucid Light?
The Lucid Light provides a hypnagogic experience that is unparalleled as of yet. Many light travelers report feeling a sense of everything being OK. To some of you, this may not sound like much. But in today’s world of competition and consumerism where the root message in the news is that everything is NOT OK and the root message from advertising is that we are insufficient, the idea that we are OK can often feel like a foreign one. Sometimes, all it takes is a moment; a glimpse of what is possible to allow everything to begin to change.
We welcome you to share your experiences, insights, questions and intriguing articles as we move forward.