With each new sentence out of my mouth, I could see that she was trying to blink away her disbelief and embrace the crazy words coming out of my mouth. She listened to me as I told her of warm sensations; reminiscent of happy childhood memories, sacred geometry beyond my wildest dreams, and a sense that no matter what — everything is O.K..
I don’t think she was convinced by my words, but the changes I exhibited caught her attention. The first recognizable alteration to my typical state was noticeable when calling her right after my first full Lucid Light session. She was taken by how calmly I interacted with her on the phone while I was in the passenger seat of a friend’s car as she closely tailgated the car in front of us in heavy snow, during rush hour. I stayed calm and quiet about her driving... really calm.
As days passed, my words and actions indicated an extended manifestation of the impacts of the light. It became apparent that she was becoming more certain about our potential purchase. Then Samantha said to me, "We need to find a way to bring this light back to Austin. We have friends and family who could really benefit."
Within 3 or 4 days of returning home from my journey to Colorado, Sami and I were researching pineal glands, light shamanism, specialized foods, and LLC corporations. We began making notes, calculating risks, writing letters, taking classes, and organizing tables of data as we began to create the framework for what would become Lucid Light LLC (Lucid Light of Austin).
To aid us in our entrepreneurial venture, we connected with Lance from BCL of Texas who we met through the Small Business Development Program of Austin. He and business advisors he introduced us to appeared somewhat perplexed and excited about our venture, simultaneously. You know, we were pretty perplexed and excited going in, too.
Armed with our vision and business plan, we began to collect money from every direction we could think of. I must have looked under the cushions of the couch at least 30 times. In the end, we ended up taking a small loan of about $5K from a dear friend to supplement what we were able to come up with. It is truly amazing what someone with anti-capitalist leanings can do when he recognizes a technology that might provide greater ease for his community and loved ones to grow and heal.
By march, our technology (well, not ours, but created by Dirk Proeckl and Engelbert Winkler) had arrived from Austria with love. Special thanks to Sigrid Pearce, the CEO, for all of her efforts coordinating with us!
Samantha was chomping at the bit to try the Lucia No.3. She had agreed to risk all of our savings (and then some) based on my attempted verbal explanations of the relaxation, clarity, and insight I had experienced under the Lucid Light.
Unfortunately, there was a delay in the delivery of our light. When it did make it to Austin, it took another six days to take possession of it (not the fault of Light Attendance GmbH, but UPS).
By the time our Lucia N°3 arrived, Sami was so excited she could barely wait for our daughter to go down for a nap so she could try it. I think she was concerned that she just risked and lost everything we had been able to save based on my judgement. I don’t know who was more excited and nervous about her trying it, her or me.
Our daughter went to sleep and everything was set for Sami's maiden voyage of our Lucia N3. She selected the Anahata Yoga Dub album from the Desert Dwellers for her initial journey. Interestingly, anahata translates from Sanskrit “अनाहत“ to English as, “unstruck, unhurt, unbeaten.” It is associated with the fourth primary chakra, the heart chakra and is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity. Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of the unstruck sound; the sound of the celestial realm. We’ve come to understand how symbolic that first music choice was for us.
After two short sample sessions, she got 6-7 minutes into her first real experience with the Lucia No. 3 when I heard my daughter begin to cry. I peeked in to attempt to quiet her, but she really wanted her mother's attention. Because it is important for me to be there as an attendant during Sami's experience, I terminated the light session and returned to my daughter. It was only a few moments later when my, obviously frustrated, love appeared to quiet our sweet mirror.
I watched as an amazing transformation occurred before me. Sami had been waiting for months and had risked everything on our business and was suddenly pulled away from the moment of truth that might provide her some insight and comfort regarding our decision. She went from impatient to try the technology and being understandably frustrated with the interruption by our unintentionally inconsiderate daughter to a space of calm, focus, and attentiveness quickly and effortlessly. The short bit of time that she spent in a hypnagogic experience had seemingly had a powerful calming and connecting impact.
Despite the fact that our daughter was convinced that she must maintain consciousness for hours past her bed time, Sam's patience and attentiveness only seemed to grow throughout the evening. Although bedtime, especially at that hour, can be some of the most challenging for us; we both experienced a greater sense of clarity, well-being, and understanding for our daughter that allowed us to be fully present with her.